Explore Regent's Canal

Discover over 200 years of history about the stretch of Regent's Canal between Angel Islington and London Fields, Hackney.

Find out how it has been rejuvenated over the last 20 years with boaters, tasteful canal side conversions, floating gardens and street art. See where greats of the entertainment business Marie Lloyd and Alfred Hitchcock made their breakthrough.

Your tour guide Susan Baker will be with you every step of the way sharing stories via video about its history as an industrial area with slum housing.

Headphones required. 

Abans de començar

Satisfacció garantidaGarantia de devolució del 100% dels diners si no disfrutes del joc

Compra ara, juga quan vulguisAccés instantani al joc. Després de la compra segueix les instruccions que rebràs per email per jugar.

Visita autoguiadaEl teu smartphone serà el teu acompanyant. No cal descarregar cap aplicació.



Mode d'aventuraWalking (A peu)

Tipus de jocFollow The Path


Partner Local

London Guided Walks

Punt d'Inici

Fresh water for the City


  • Fresh water for the City
  • An Engineering Feat
  • Creating a future
  • Award-winning Residences
  • Film Making in Islington
  • An Overnight Sensation
  • A New Community
  • A New Academy
  • Get ready to shop
  • Open Spaces in London


- Charge your phone before leaving, a battery pack can be useful too.

- Headphones are required

- To begin, press "PLAY NOW" and head to your starting point

When you reach each point on the map information will automatically be activated

Explore London like you've never done before!


Satisfacció garantida
Pagament segur